Product News

Laser Butterfly Package: Benefits and Features Offered by Hermetix

A laser butterfly package is a type of hermetic packaging used in telecommunications, fiber optics, and other related fields. The package houses a semiconductor laser chip, optical isolator, and other necessary components in a single unit, ensuring efficient and stable operation. Hermetix is a company that specializes in the design and manufacturing of laser butterfly packages, and offers a range of services to their clients.

Benefits of Laser Butterfly Package

Laser butterfly packages provide a range of benefits, including compactness, durability, and stable performance. The package is designed to prevent external contaminants, such as dust and moisture, from reaching the laser chip, ensuring a long lifespan. Additionally, the hermetic seal package protects the laser chip from temperature fluctuations, ensuring stable and efficient operation. The package also allows for easy integration into larger systems, making it an ideal solution for a variety of applications.

Features of Hermetix’s Laser Butterfly Package

Hermetix’s laser butterfly package is designed to meet the specific needs of their clients. The company’s team of experienced engineers works closely with clients to develop a customized solution that meets their unique requirements. Some of the features offered by Hermetix’s laser butterfly package include:

Hermetic Seal: The package is designed with a hermetic seal to prevent external contaminants from reaching the laser chip.

High-Quality Materials: Hermetix’s laser butterfly package is made from high-quality materials to ensure durability and long lifespan.

Customizable: The package is fully customizable to meet the specific needs of clients, including material selection, pin configuration, and sealing techniques.

Performance: The package is designed to ensure stable and efficient performance, ensuring that it meets the requirements of clients’ applications.


In conclusion, Hermetix’s laser butterfly package is a reliable and efficient solution for a variety of applications in telecommunications, fiber optics, and other related fields. The package is designed with a hermetic seal to ensure long lifespan and stable performance. Hermetix offers a range of services, including customized engineering, to ensure that clients’ specific requirements are met. If you are interested in learning more about Hermetix’s laser butterfly package, contact them for more information on their services and products.

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