
Get Free of Your Drug & Alcohol Addiction

Are you looking for a way to control your drug habits? You keep fighting hard against your alcohol addiction, but it seems to have control over you? Worry no further, for we have the perfect means for you to get back into your regular life.

From Nova Recovery Center, we can help you give up all your addictions and start developing a sober lifestyle for yourself. Our facility is termed to be the best Drug Rehab Austin has. Our patients will give you their word for it. Here’s how our services work.

Assessment of Patient’s Condition

The first step in the recovery process is to understand the patient’s current condition. To do this, our psychiatrists conduct a few tests on the patients and find out what stage the patient is in their addiction. If you are seriously addicted to drugs and alcohol, you will be immediately referred to the detox department, where your treatment begins. On the other hand, if you are only mildly addicted, you can be referred to a psychological evaluation session to help you straighten out your priorities. Identifying your addiction levels will help us to chart out the best possible treatment for you, as an individual patient.

Detox Your Body

The next step in rehab is to detox your body. Like we said before, a detox is recommended if you are seriously addicted to any drug, including alcohol. In this stage, your body will be cleansed of any traces of the drugs you have been using. To make it easy for you, you will be administered some supplementary drugs to keep your body stable. This is so because, usually, patients see the growth of withdrawal symptoms during this stage and their body will crave for drugs. Without any new drugs in the system, your body will start to react in many ways. Sometimes it even leads to pains and aches in your body. But you can relax though since you will be constantly monitored by our Drug Rehab Austin Texas during every step of your recovery process.

In-patient Recovery Program

After detox, you will be recommended with our in-patient recovery program. In this phase, you will be offered to stay in our facility for an extended period of time, to develop your own sober lifestyle. This change of phase will help you re-evaluate your life and think of ways to stay away from drugs in your future. 

Out-patient Support Program

After your Alcohol Rehab Austin, you can get back your regular life as a new person. But you can always check back with us whenever you feel like you need support. This is why we have our out-patient support program. Through this program you can ask for a personal counselor to assist you in your daily life. They will help you build your mental fortitude for a sober life, for all the time to come.

If you or any of your loved ones are seeking ways for recovery, call us at Nova Recovery Center and let us help you get back to your normal lives. Feel free to visit to know more about – whealthtips

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